Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I'm designing a few patterns just for fun and here is one I did tonight fairly quickly:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Amani Rose Designs - LogoPackge

Here's another logo I'm working on for a small custom jewelry company called Amani Rose Designs. I tried to include a style of elegance and simplicity.

I did the initial sketches in 15 minutes or so and although I didn't use much of what I sketched, it was an important part of the process. I was able to get a few solid designs done in less than a couple of hours. I made edits and revisions the next day and this is what I came up with.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

AutoLifeTV - LogoPackage

Here are some initial logo designs I've done for the production company AutoLifeTV. The website is almost completed but they are looking for a new, fresh, and more clean/legible logo that they could work with. Below is the initial sketch I did to gather my ideas. I've been working on completing this process more quickly and I'm definitely making progress. I did more of the concepts in illustrator but they came to my mind while sketching.